We are more than the sum of our parts

We strive to help business teams become great teams

and help their members feel they are an active part of something meaningful and bigger than themselves,

by increasing automation, transparency, productivity, and team motivation by improving processes and internal flows,

using web and mobile applications.


A team of seasoned software developers

Our experience and expertise span over more than 12 years in the insurance distribution industry. This is a highly regulated and demanding field to develop innovative solutions.


With a mind for business value in every project

It’s our culture to ask "Why do this?", to challenge ideas and always search for an answer to the question: "Does it bring enough business value?"


Using advanced tools

We use low-code platforms paired with custom-developed code where required; designing solutions following best practices in software design and architecture.

codestudio interface first

Interface first is literally written on our wall.”

We believe in the power of design. We thrive on building relationships and helping good people and organizations succeed through a collaborative process.

codestudio not a single bug given

We strive to build quality software

Software that does not need much revision and fixes because we tested it well, before shipping.

We build with care and joy in Bucharest, Romania.

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